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ASP.NET Core WebApi - Basic Authentication

Demonstrates adding basic authentication to an ASP.NET Core WebApi project.

ASP.NET Core WebApi Json serialize as PascalCase

The default implementation of ASP.NET Core WebAPI serialization is camalCase. This creates a problem when trying to deserialize PascalCase based names. Here's the fix.

String Compression

With incredibly fast processing speeds today, it's worth taking a small bit of processing time to compress & decompress large text. Obviously this can reduce storage space, but most importantly improves bandwidth. It's also rather easy to do.

Null-Coalescing Assignment

Pretty simple: userRepository ??= new DefaultUserRepository();

Xamarin: async calls to DisplayAlert

Calls to Xamarin's DisplayAlert are async. Calling await requires the calling function's signature to be async. Click event handlers are looking for non-async functions. Here's the work-around.

C# 9 Favorites

C# 9 came out in 2020. Here are some of my favorite additions (and a few not-so-favorites).

C# Functions - Returning multiple values with Tuple Literals

There are times when we need to return multiple values from a function. C#7 has a better way: Tuple types and Tuple literals

.Net's new built-in Json serializer.

After using Newtonsoft.Json for years, now there's a built in replacement: System.Text.Json.

Task.WaitAll vs Task.WhenAll

Task.WaitAll and Task.WhenAll are both very similar, and it can be confusing to know which to use. Here's some insight I've found.

Stop using using for HttpClient....NO WAIT, USE USING

On a project for work, I setup the code for making all of our REST calls to our middle layer with HttpClients created with a using. Turns out that wasn't a good idea.

Avoid "sync over async" via Task.Result or Task.Wait

When you have an async call you'd like to make within a sync-only function, it's tempting to use Task.Result or Task.Wait. However this can lead to performance issues like thread-starvation.

At Home Development

Being the coding nerd I am, I seem to have plenty of personal coding projects I do at home

  • C#/.NET/Core
  • T-SQL
  • HTML/Javascript/jQuery
  • .NET Core
  • WPF
  • Xamarin/MAUI
  • Windows 10
  • SQL Server 20xx
  • Android
  • XBox One
  • Skiing
  • Rock Climbing
  • White water kayaking
  • Road Biking